ESPACE and EUCANCan host joint webinar on how to increase the impact of industry-academia collaborations

ESPACE and EUCANCan host joint webinar on how to increase the impact of industry-academia collaborations
News11 November 2020

To give 2021 a bright start, ESPACE has teamed up with EUCANCan, another research project funded under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, to host the webinar “New IT approaches in genome analysis” on January 11, 2-5pm CET. The webinar will look at medical IT systems role in industry-academia collaborations in the health care sector.

In recent year, medical information technology (IT) has begun playing an increasingly pivotal role in health care research. The advantages of the advancements in IT systems and data analyses are many, albeit the risen complexity of these systems also result in new challenges for the people working with them. To ensure broad, safe, and smooth implementation of necessary IT solutions in industry-academy partnerships, adequate exchange formats must be made available for their members.

The goal of our webinar in January is to offer exactly this. During the event, speakers from, among others, Dell, Illumina, and Intel as well as ESPACE and EUCANCan will share insights and best practices from their experiences working with medical IT systems.


  • Welcome and introduction – Christian Lawerenz (Steinbeis)
  • Brief introduction to EUCANCan – David Torrents (BSC/ EUCANCan Coordinator)
  • Brief introduction to ESPACE – Christian Conrad (Berlin Institute of Health)
  • A walkthrough of the GA4GH platform – Sven Twardziok (Charité Berlin)
  • Dell: Cloud technologies and the potentials for research – Marten Neubauer
  • IIllumina: Expand Your Understanding Of Biology With Illumina Single-Cell And Spatial Sequencing – Pawel Zajac
  • SVA: Automation of analysis processes in genomics – Giscard Venn
  • Intel: A discussion about the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in genomics – Michael McManus
  • Institut Curie: Alignment and sorting HTS data with Message Passing Interface – Philippe Hupé
  • Q&A session

Date and time: January 11, 2021, 2-5pm CET.

Registration: Sign up here

The webinar is open for everyone who wishes to expand their knowledge on the role and potential of medical IT systems in industry-academy health care collaborations. It is, however, especially tailored for industry representatives and members of the science community.

Sign up here to secure your spot in this free three-hour event.

About EUCANCan

EUCANCan supports and enhances modern oncology by creating a culturally, technologically, and legally integrated framework across Europe and Canada that enables and facilitates the efficient analysis, management, and sharing of cancer genome data.

The project is funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 programme on the European side and the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) on the Canadian side. EUCANCan, coordinated by Prof David Torrents from Barcelona Supercomputing Center, started on January 1, 2019, and will run for four years.


Expression and Spatial analysis Pancreas Atlas Consortium Europe (ESPACE) is the result of three earlier Human Cell Atlas (HCA) pilot studies of the pancreas. The project develops methods and standards for sample acquisition, single cell profiling, spatial proteomics and computational pipelines and aims to build a first version of the HCA of the pancreas.

The two-year project started on January 1, 2020 and is funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 programme. The project is coordinated by Prof Roland Eils from Charité – Universitätsmedizin in Berlin.
